The “Buoyancee Build India” – Recognized by Sir Ratan Tata Trust was created to inspire and motivate in order to make a difference to our nation by empowering the youth of today.
The greatest yet untapped resource on earth is the human potential and Buoyancee has taken the initiative to reach out to the youth beyond information towards transformation and reformation.
To fulfill our objective we have developed a comprehensive solution for Colleges: Here is a bird eye view of this program.
Success Skills for Students: From Abilities to Capabilities: While knowledge equips a child with the necessary tools to carve a better future,what is required to really excel and justify one’s potential is an exposure to life skills.
Competence + Commitment + Chemistry + Credibility is powerful!
Social Sensitization: Towards being true citizen: A socially aware individual values human rights and acknowledges the importance of harmonious social interaction for the developmental progress of human beings.
Out Bound Training (1 Day): Beyond just one day picnic: An outbound program provides a perfect setting for learning through fun. This program is entirely activity based. We like to call it – EDUTAINMENT.
Teachers Training Workshop: From Good to Great teachers: For a tree to grow not the seed but the environment is important. A great teacher creates an environment of learning for the students.
Employability Test: What am I really made for!! An ideal professional work life is when an individual converts his/her passion into their career. We provide full support to enable a student, select his/her desired career and not just a job.
Project: Bridging the gap between knowledge and practice: A practical outlook of what a student’s passion and interest may look like when pursued in reality through college projects.
Internship: Real time exposure and experience: Internship is best platform for the students to taste the flavour of their future profession. It includes technical skills training and soft skills training.
Placement Assistance: Person-job fit: We provide placement support to help students find right avenues in the world of work.
The above program can be customized too as per the needs and requirements of the institutions.