Just these 90 minutes of yours to know how to Nurture Your Nature for a Better Future!
We don’t need to teach a seed, how to become a full grown tree! The tree is in the seed! Every child is born with these 4 vital traits… Hope : Health : Happiness : Harmony If any one of these are missing or less.These 90 minutes can help you to Reflect > Realise > Rectify > Relive Every Sunday – 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM, a free webinar under our project Building Individuals to Build India Yes, I am interested to live an Exuberant life!
What will you learn in these 90 Minutes?
1. When I was born Hopeful, Healthy, Happy and with Harmony to celebrate life, why am I now tolerating many things?
2. What are the changes to be made, and how to go about it, so that I can be better placed mentally, than what I am now.
3. Understand how when the divinity design and the society define don’t match, my life suffers
4. How to leap over my limits & limitations to go from suffering to surfing over the waves of life
5. The importance of aligning my Potentials & Possibilities with a Purpose, for Passion & Drive
6. Understand the Power of the Mind, and how Mindfulness helps Master Your Mind
7. The importance of the Mental Muscles and how to use it to Develop the Commando Achiever’s Mindset
Who will be interacting with the participants?
Ajit Kaikini was the first chief pharmacist of the first high tech hospital in India. When he saw teens in tension and youngsters getting heart attack, he decided to help them and thus Buoyancee took birth in 1992 December. Looking at the impact of his courses on the teens and youth, the parents took him to their companies and he has been associated to help them to work better in teams. He has been associated with large change initiatives of adidas, ITC’s e-chaupal, Bisleri 500 ml launch, and many such interventions to give an impetus to the productivity, by unleashing Human Excellence Buoyancee has been recognised nationally and internationally many times over. Ajit Kaikini, the founder of Buoyancee along with his wife Sadhana, trains in 6 languages all over India. He has trained in Europe and in the Gulf too.